kieselsteine  Trickfilmstudios

Kein Krieg gegen Syrien


Von kieselsteine am 26. März 2016 um 21:51


4 Antworten zu “licht”

  1. Sadami sagt:

    Hi, Patrick, this work is so colourful and imaginative. Lovely.
    Best wishes, Sadami

  2. kieselsteine sagt:

    thank Sadami

    I hope you’re not mad
    I no longer write on your blog
    But I look every new post with joy
    I wish you all the best for all your projects


    • Sadami sagt:

      Oh, Patrick, I’ve never, ever got upset! Rather, I always appreciate your visiting and reading (*I know it!!) You, too, enjoy art work and writing. You have a pure and wonderful heart. Go, go, Patrick!
      Best wishes, Sadami

  3. kieselsteine sagt:

    hello Sadami

    thank you

    Here in Europe is not doing well, perhaps you’ve heard
    The weapons Industire starts a war after another
    Millions die and have to flee
    It’s almost as bad as in the time of World War II

    But we are talking about something nice
    How to buy your book?
    Over the Moon with Watercolour
    I can not come to Australia
    That is too far away for me

    All good to you and your friends